Sunday, January 29, 2012

from Randi Wood

his new "window seat" cubicle is waiting for him!  People fight tooth and nail for this kind of real estate!!  I have been following the blog and am sending prayers your way.  Faith and love will guide you through this uncertian time.   Here's one of my favorite pictures, it always makes me smile :) 

Stay strong...and onwrey when need be! 

Randi Wood

from Marya Bolyanatz

Hey  Neal,
Well the nice thing about hospitals is air conditioning. This is something I wish we really had right now as it's over 100 for a week. Lucky for us we were in phoenix for the weekend. It was only 106 there! but we had air con. We flew out on Fri and visited with Marks parents and took them to the Cardinals/raiders game. The stadium is inside and nicely climate controlled. The game was really exciting. Mark was bummed the raiders lost by one pt.! His favorite player, the kicker Janakowski, really messed up and missed 3 field goals and 1 PAT. He basically lost the game for them. The rest of the visit we just stayed inside. Mark and  his dad wanted to play golf but couldn't get an early T time. You pretty much have to be done with your game by 10 or you'll die of heat stroke. Now we are back in SLO, it's 8:15 at night and still hot. Usually it cools off at night even if it's hot during the day. We may have to go to Home Dept and get and small air conditioner so we can sleep at night!
 It's so hot I can't really knit so I've been weaving instead. When it cools down, I'll knit you a hat. I'm thinking something goofy looking as your such a goof,  drinking out of shoes comes to mind ;-) Thinking of which, I'lll have to find a pair for when your out of the hospital. we'll celebrate your recovery drinking out of high heel shoes!
we are thinking of you all the time and wish for a speedy recovery
Love, Marya

from Patty Donnel

Hi Neal
Just wanted you to know that your timesheet will be on time this month because I completed it for you, and you didn't even have to bribe me.  Everything is pretty good at DTSC, though we are dividing your work among the PM's and you do quite a bit of work and make it look so easy.  Kudo's to you.  There is talk of Juan moving his office closer to Mohinder  (Mohinder's Idea) there is also talk of having the whole unit move closer to Mohinder, I am not sure if that is office gossip or not. Anyway I am glad to hear that you are improving, gotta say it's kind of dull without you, looking forward to your return.  I'll keep you posted on any new developments here at DTSC, you know how I love to be in the know.

from Brandon Nuner

Hey big guy!  Not sure ya know but I visited you sometime not long after you were “re-incarcerated”.   You looked real tired though.  Speaking of being incarcerated.. I know it probably wasn’t too funny at the time and probably scary but you are going to have one hell of a story to tell about getting fully restrained in handcuffs!  You are a danger to society.. Just Kidding!  On a serious note.. I’m here to help either of you with anything I possibly can.  I think Mom doesn’t like asking much of me so you’ll have to let me know where I can help.  (Don’t tell her I said that.. ha-ha..)  Anyhow.. take care buddy.. get well.. and when you’re ready for it we’re going to have to do a welcome back party!

from Dot Lofstrom

You missed the circus called "RCRA Training" on the new Tandberg system.  The training itself was terrific, but a true 3-ring circus as we tried to use our new fancy system for the first time.  Turns out the speaker for the Tandberg is on top of the TV, right where the AC blows on it, lending a very annoying buzzing sound that had folks in the regions holding their ears and begging for it to stop.  Of course, one solution was to turn off the AC, but then we would have roasted at Cal Center.  That was just the start, as problem after problem occurred.  It all came to an inglorious stop the first day, late afternoon, when the EPA folks played a movie and there was no reception at all in the regions. They were just sitting there staring at blank screens, hearing nothing.   People were sending me e-mails on my Blackberry and I was running around showing them to Charlie, who raced to the back to find Randi, and...well, you get the picture. 

We finished just fine the next day, because we used the tried and true low-tech version.  We sent the handouts to the regions and set up a conference line, and it worked just fine.  Unbelievable!

Hang tough.


from Micheline

Hi Neal -

You probably don't remember that Lee and I were there that first weekend you were in the hospital when everyone was trying to figure out what was going on.  Now we know.  I have read a lot about GBS and truly believe you will recover from this dreadful ordeal, and I hope you have been reassured that, in time, your life will return to normal.

You need to know that your brothers have been absolutely amazing and have stepped in to help out in every way they can, and have been so reassuring and supportive for Belinda.  And Nanette has been so incredible with her supportive messages and words of comfort.  You need to be reassured that while you’re recuperating Belinda is not “alone,” and they’re all there for her and you.

And Belinda … I only met her that one time at your Dad’s house after he passed away and I wasn’t able to get to know her.  But since you have been in the hospital she and I have developed a close friendship - speaking a few times per week on the phone, and I can see why you fell in love with this beautiful lady.  She is an absolute Angel and I have a great respect for her.

Lee and I are driving up Friday night and will see you this weekend.  We’ll make sure Belinda is taken care of and will do whatever needs to be done around the house. 

Until then … remain positive and focused.  One day this will all be a bad dream.


from Bud Duke

First, we wanted to thank him for resolving that workload issue that we had.  ;^)  We're spreading his projects around to the group to ensure that nothing gets dropped while he's out, but will DEFINITELY be happy to return them to him as soon as he is able.  :^)

Also, we know he was looking to move into Mike's old window cube, but that might be a mute hope as the rumor is that Mohinder may want to move the group closer to him...  <:^(  We're hoping he's joking.

Finally, I'm going to have to go ahead and conduct the cleaning of the fridge without your help, Neal.  It's getting kind of ripe.  I'll make a point to save all of the unclaimed food items (I know you especially like yogurt) and place them in your cube for you though...  :^)

Take care, Neal, and best wishes for your continued recovery.


from Dot Lofstrom (2)

I dreamed about you last night.  Nothing much, just that we were going out to lunch.  I walked out of Cal Center and you drove up in your big pick up truck.  I climbed in and off we went, chatting about this and that.  I'm taking this as a prescient dream, foretelling the future.  And then I come into work today and read that you were able to wiggle your arms and legs, and that just shot me up into the stratosphere.  We all miss you, so very much.


from Gretchen Gotlieb

I found out about Neal's condition from our mutual friend, Ron Ohta. I worked with Ron and Neal in Sacramento at Tetra Tech EMI in 1997 and 1998. I left TTEMI and moved to Arizona where I lived 10 years. In that time I work for a City in the Wastewater/Sewer Division in Pretreatment (EPA program). This summer I moved to Houston and got a job with Entrix as a Senior Staff Scientist (Organic Chemist)-job somewhat similar to the one I had at TTEMI.
I lost touch with Neal when I moved but got updates on him through Ron over the years.
Your blog is very compassionate and you have done an excellent job keeping everyone up to date on Neal's condition and progress. The photos of all of you are wonderful to see.
Please pass this message to Neal for me- Hey Neal!!! I know its been 12 years since I've seen you and have been in touch. As I've moved to Arizona and now Houston, Texas, I have gotten updates over the years on how you were doing through Ron. Candy Friday is down here in Houston. I was on phone calls with her at TTEMI but never met her so sometime we're going to meet here in Houston and catch up. I'm sorry to hear about your time now in the hospital. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I enjoyed working with you and getting to know your wicked sense of humor and discover your heart of gold. You have such a strong fighting spirit. Keep fighting now and get your body strong and healing more and more everyday. I will keep in touch with you and send you some pictures. Take care! You have such a beautiful family and as I can see on your website, soooo many people that care about you. Keep up your good progress everyday. All the best Neal!! Take care and big hugs!!  Gretchen Gotlieb <3 <3 

from Patty Donnel (2)

I am so happy to hear how well you are doing, I am mailing you two grenades, in case you want to use 2 at one time and also your paycheck stub, today October 4, 2010.  Everything is good here, no new news, but as soon as I hear anything, I will be sure to pass it along.

from TF Booze

Please tell Neal hi for me and I hope he gets better. I finally got around to asking someone at DTSC if anything had gone wrong because I hadn't heard from him after my last e-mail to him at DTSC.


TF Booze

from Grady McGrannahan

Dear Neal,

I wanted to tell you that I've been thinking about you ever since Kara sent the first message informing us of your condition.  After following along for the past few weeks, you have demonstrated that you are able to kick the crap out of anything that comes your way.  Way to go Pismo!

This is also the best way I can "visit" with you, considering that you came to visit me back in '01 when I was at UC Davis.  Although I don't remember much (given the "cocktail" I was on), I do know how much your visit meant to Mom and Dad.  They continue to speak very highly of you, Neal.  As a kid who ran around while you were in school, I'll never forget the band banquet you came to as one of the Blues Brothers.

Here's a little update:  My wife and I live in Des Moines, Iowa, where 
I've been teaching trombone and band at Drake University since 2007.  
I know, I know, something sounds eerily familiar.  The outpouring of love and good wishes from former UNR band members to you was so 
inspiring that I chose to share your story with my marching band.  
They needed to know how familial the college band can be, which is evident from the postings on your blog.  You probably realize by now how much you are loved within the "Pride" community!

We don't know how long we may stay in Des Moines, but ultimately, we'd like to come back home (or someplace closer to home).  Iowa is a very comfortable place to live, but Melissa and I miss the mountains and 
everything Northern Nevada/Northern California area has to offer.  
Regardless of where we live, we're both in the process of finishing our degrees.  Melissa is finishing her degree (here at Drake) in secondary science education and I'm wrapping up my doctoral paper.

No McGrannahan grandchildren yet, but the folks will have to be satisfied with a three year old German Shepherd named Astro.  Probably won't happen, given the tough luck a few years back.  But you never know, the medical scene is always making breakthroughs, which has been the case with your amazing recovery.

Stay strong, Neal.  I hope to see you at a future alumni band function.


from Dottie Lofstrom (3)

So very happy to hear about your splendid recovery.  Really, really fantastic!  Words fail.

I've been out much of October, spending time in Missouri and also a weekend with my cousins from Texas, whom I have only seen once since 1963!  And then last week (this is really cool), I got to visit Edwards Air Force Base.  It was great, seeing all sorts of fighter jets and the 747s that the shuttle would piggy back on.  For lunch, we went to a Mexican food restaurant in Boron that all the astronauts go to when they get off the shuttle.  I absolutely loved it.

You are never far from my thoughts. I'm so thrilled for you, Belinda, and all your family and friends that you will be going home tomorrow.  Just terrific!!!


About Me page for ICU staff

Howard Neal Hutchison

I like to be called: Neal
Occupation:  Hazardous Substance Engineer 

·      The Sound of Music, Sideways
TV Shows:
·      Stargate (SG-1, Altantis), This Old House
·      ATVing, Woodworking, Trap shooting, Camping in the back country

Achievements I’m proud of:
·      Bachelor of Science – Chemical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno
·      Organized (Man’s Land) Garage, Coast–to-Coast trip motorcycle tour, How to make a motorcycle ignition run right
Other things about me:
·      My wife’s name is Belinda (and she loves me to pieces)
·      I have a 15 year old daughter named Molly
·      I love spending time on my property in Elko, Nevada
·      I enjoy getting to know people
·      I love having family and friends over for a BBQ

1,000 reasons to give

Thanksgiving 2010

Just two weeks after Neal was released from the hospital, he got on a plane and flew to Arizona to spend Thanksgiving with his family.  We all had a lot to be thankful for.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, then went out for a good steak dinner a few nights later with everyone….to celebrate some more ; )


Ross Waltz
Posted: 2010-09-14 18:23:41
"PISMO!!! Hang in there. Wishing you a speedy recovery. We'll be thinking of you."

Norman Huckle
Posted: 2010-09-14 19:03:17
"Neal- all the best for a speedy recovery. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!!"

Eamon Moriarty
Posted: 2010-09-14 23:37:31
Elk Grove, CA
"Missing you buddy and really want to come see you and be by your side. Know that you're continually in my prayers and thoughts and that I love you."

Robin Veile
Posted: 2010-09-14 23:51:27
Yuba City
"Those UCD nurses better be taking great care of ya'll! the squeeky wheel if you need to. steps ar first!"

Alan Catron
Posted: 2010-09-15 00:09:31
Carson City
"Pismo--I'm sending as much positive, healing energy as I can your way. Rest and heal, 'ol friend."

Ron and Ginger
Posted: 2010-09-15 00:14:14
Elk Grove
"We understand perfectly Neal's situation and his feelings he doesn't want visitors is not about care of love, is his temperement and we as his friends support him all the time, respecting your decisions and we are there with him and Belinda cause love trancends walls and distances.We are here next to you guys."

Rossco Waltz
Posted: 2010-09-15 11:28:30
"Fight brother, fight. Don't give in. You'll beat this."

Nanette Hutchison
Posted: 2010-09-15 15:37:40
Ventura CA
"Let him know we love him and that although there is not a whole lot we can do for him at this point, we are always here to help out Belinda. We hope to see be up to see Belinda the weekend of the 25th if feasible and visit Neal if he wants to see us. "

Dot Lofstrom
Posted: 2010-09-15 19:12:00
"Neal - we love you and care for you, very much. Belinda, our hearts are with you."

mary gontjes
Posted: 2010-09-15 22:03:53
Folsom Ca.
"When you think you are alone you are not...we are all here with you... Love you.. Mary"

Posted: 2010-09-15 22:14:25
"Hang in there Neal! You're a fighter and an incredibly strong person. You're gonna make it through this! Belinda, I know we haven't met yet, but if there is anything I can do to help out, just let me know."

Joyanne Sissom
Posted: 2010-09-15 23:22:47
"Neal, you haven't met me yet, but Belinda and I have been high school friends. She has told me what a wonderful husband and father you are!! There are a lot of people who are pulling for you. You and Belinda are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I believe in God and in prayer.. and we will meat when you are back on your feet!! God bless you and Belinda!!"

Randy Johnson
Posted: 2010-09-15 23:37:38
Newark, CA
"Neal, my thoughts are with you and I'm expecting that you'll fight through this for an eventual full recovery. I don't know what to tell you that you don't know already so keep up the fight. Randy"

James Pavlovich
Posted: 2010-09-16 02:26:21
Santa Barbara, Ca
"Neal, I am so sorry to hear that you are facing this. But we all know you are too strong of a person to let this keep you down for long. So keep fighting through it, my friend."

Cyndi Bowdish
Posted: 2010-09-16 03:32:02
Medford, Oregon
"NEal, Sorry that you are having to endure this. My thought, wishes and positive affirmations are with you during this time. May your family stay strong as well. Kepp fighting."

Posted: 2010-09-16 07:29:55
"Neal, we just want to drop by and see how you are doing. We don't care that you have tubes sticking out all over the place or that your hair looks like crap. The road back to full function might be a long and winding one, but we hope you recover as soon as possible. Hope to be able to see you soon ...manage a smile somehow for that good-lookin' gal of yours. "

Posted: 2010-09-16 14:07:35
Cal Center
"You're in our thoughts, Neal. Looking forward to seeing you soon. It's way too quiet over here. :^)"

Diana & Mike
Posted: 2010-09-16 15:27:06
Sacramento/Long Beach
"Bad things happen to Good People, we know you are strong and will come thru this ordeal with a positive outcome."

Stan and Peggy
Posted: 2010-09-16 22:05:49
Elk Grove
"Neal... Peggy and I are watching your progress closely and sending good thoughts to you daily. Stay strong my friend. "

Diana & Mike
Posted: 2010-09-17 18:17:22
"We know you are a strong person and can beat this. We too are thinking about you daily and sending healing thoughts to you. "

Lorraine Larsen-Hallock
Posted: 2010-09-18 00:21:21
Latrobe, CA
"We all miss you at DTSC and pray for a fast and full recovery! Hang in there - you'll be back to hiking & hunting, just keep thinking of that next big catch. Take care."

Mike Ford
Posted: 2010-09-18 03:53:47
"This has to be an awful situation for you and Belinda. I do have complete confidence that you have the strength of mind to fight through to recovery."

Patty Donel
Posted: 2010-09-20 11:13:15
"Neal We welly miss you here at Schools, staff meetings are way too boring, we need you back friend, I know if anyone can beat this you can, you are too stuborn not too."

Posted: 2010-09-20 13:30:03
Cal Center
"My prayers are with you and your family."

Terry Escarda
Posted: 2010-09-20 18:23:13
DTSC CalCenter
"Hang in there Big Guy! It's good to hear you're doing better. We'll see ya when you're feeling up to it, Terry"

Marty & Rhonda Crook
Posted: 2010-09-20 20:22:40
"We are so happy to hear Neal is in good spirits, We know he will be well soon. Please give him our Love and let him know he is in our thoughts & Prayers every day. The Sun will soon shine on his beautiful face :) xxxooo Marty & Rhonda "

John Swanson
Posted: 2010-09-20 20:51:25
"Neal and Belinda: So sorry you had this big setback, but we are glad to know you are improving. Maureen and I are pulling for you, think about you every day. Hang in there. Deep breaths, one day at a time. Belinda let us know if there is anything we can do."

Randy Johnson
Posted: 2010-09-21 14:10:20
Newark, CA
"Neal, It's good to hear that you're experiencing some improvement and the ability to communicate must make all the difference in the world though, it sounds like there may still be a long journey ahead. I'm really glad to hear your spirits are on the way up."

Marya Bolyanatz
Posted: 2010-09-21 15:31:01
San Luis Obispo
"Glad to hear things are looking up. Looking forward to seeing you Oct )ct1"

Mickey Valenti
Posted: 2010-09-21 17:13:02
Valencia, CA
"Neal - you and Belinda are in my thoughts and prayers daily. All the best to both of you."

Posted: 2010-09-23 17:16:21
Sacramento - Cal Center
"Neal - so glad to hear you were off the ventilator for a short while. You can do this, Buddy. If anyone can do it, it's you."

Posted: 2010-09-24 01:43:40
"Neal, You are a special person to me. You really are. I have enjoyed working with you and sincerely hope you recover fully. I know its hard, but we are rooting for you. Great to hear that you are making progress toward getting off the ventilator. I sincerely hope you can recover not only to get around town and enjoy your family, but also to be able to get out and enjoy nature and the mountains. Keep on thinking positive. Jimmy "

Kurt, Christine, and Kolby
Posted: 2010-09-25 11:32:04
Santa Paula
"Hey Bub - It is so good to check in each day and see the progress your making. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. Gene Fields cancer is now formally in remission and now the next good news is coming from you. You're always in our thoughts. The Wilkinsons"

J. Selvey
Posted: 2010-09-26 18:15:50
Conoco Phillips, Los Angeles
"Progress in good, Neal. Keep your thoughts on what you are going to do when you are up and moving around.I can't wait for the next batch of pictures from one of your trips. If I can make another fishing trip befoer snow flies, I will send you some BIG fish pictures. My wife and I are thinking of you, Get better soon!"

Ken and Liz Hoffman
Posted: 2010-09-26 18:19:54
Ventura, CA
"Neal, Belinda, my apologies on not saying anything sooner, but I just found out. Neal, here's that chance to use your natural ornery attitude to kick this in the butt! Belinda, as Gregg and Nanette will tell you, if there's anything you need, just ask. You are both in our thoughts and prayers. "

Posted: 2010-09-27 12:20:36
"Neal, Somehow the turkeys heard your are busy getting well and it seems there are more & more each day on my hill! More than a dozen every day now. Please get well soon - before the turkeys take over!! You are always in our thoughts & prayers."

Beth Kelly
Posted: 2010-09-27 12:24:05
Folsom, CA
"Neal - I am thinking of you and your great spirit for life - I know you will win over this. I love the photos of your times outdoors and with Belinda - you seem very happy! Beth"

Javier Hinojosa
Posted: 2010-09-27 17:07:35
Chatsworth, CA
"Neal. Keep your spirits up and know that we are praying for your speedy recovery. Michele sends her love and prayers also. I will keep reading your updates and look forward to you being back with us soon."

Posted: 2010-09-27 18:39:23
"This is from Cypress group. Sorry to hear what happened. Hang in there, Our prayers are with you."

Peter Garcia
Posted: 2010-09-27 18:56:28
Ontario, California
"Neil, Stay strong on your road to recovery. It is essential to understand that battles are primarily won in the hearts of men. -Vince Lombardi "

D Taylor
Posted: 2010-09-27 20:01:07
Sacramento, CA
"Hey Neal So glad to hear that you are improving daily. I'm holding you in light and high vibration of perfect health and a speedy recovery. Peace. Debra"

Michele Foster
Posted: 2010-09-28 11:52:57
DTSC - Chatsworth
"Hey Neal, Just wanted to send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery. Positive Thinking my friend - it works all the time. Love, Michele"

Triss Chesney
Posted: 2010-09-28 12:29:53
DTSC - Cypress
"Neal. It's been awhile! I just found out about what is going on and we're rooting for you! Thanks to your family for maintaining your blog to keep us informed ;). I think your blog has gone viral! Hee hee. Great progress on weaning off of the ventilator. Keep it up. I really enjoyed looking at all the photos posted on your blog. I'll ahve to get some hints on hiking locations from you. Just to let you know, I reduced my hours to be able to walk my son to and from school. He is 6 and in the first grade, already! Can you believe it?! So when I am not at work, I am running around with my son to football practice and games . . . a bunch of 5 to 7 year olds in full pads . . . it's a field of bobble-heads. They are so cute. Best wishes for your recovery!"

Liz Rivera
Posted: 2010-09-29 13:54:40
Hayward, CA
"Hi Neal, Know that I am praying for you and God answers prayers. He is the business of miracles and will take of all of your needs and those of your family's. Prayerfully, Liz"

Posted: 2010-09-30 19:45:31
DTSC-Cal Center
"Wiggling your arms and legs is great news! I'm so excited!"

Bobbi Jensen
Posted: 2010-09-30 20:06:27
Cal Center DTSC
"Neal, I hope you don't mind that I have added your name to the Prayer Roll at the Latter Day Saint Sacramento Temple. They will keep your name on the prayer roll and pray for you for 2 weeks. I am glad that you are doing better and pray that your recovery will not take too long. Don't worry about the office - just take care of yourself right now and don't try to come back before your Doctor says. We had a dessert Retirement gathering today for Becky Mora. Things are pretty much the same here at DTSC. I was told today that 30 DTSC employees throughout the State are getting ready to retire. Keep your spirits up, as the Lord is watching over you. I will be checking the Blog to see how your doing. We are all praying for your complete recovery."

Tom Cota
Posted: 2010-09-30 20:25:04
"Neil, I am glad to hear that the treatment is showing positive signs. Every step forward is one more closure to recovery. I think about you daily, the battle your in and know you have a lot of determination and fight inside. I remember one of the first questions you asked me in a staff meeting was “Why do we need a new supervisor? We already know what to do and have the authority (power) to do it.” Yes, you do have power, determination, and a winning attitude. I know that you will use this and the support of your family and friends on your road to a full recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon ( work is piling up:) ) as you are truly missed."

Posted: 2010-10-01 02:46:59
Modesto, CA
"Hi Neal! I am so glad the IVIG treatment is working! That is the best news ever. I think about you every day and hope each day makes you stronger. I love seeing the pictures of you and your family on the blog site. I'm looking forward to visiting you when you're feeling stronger. Hang in there and keep fighting!"

Posted: 2010-10-01 14:40:50
"Hi Neal, I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. I'm still at EMI, but work from my home now in Oregon. I love it there, so beautiful, and the slower pace of life is one I never knew I needed. :-) (Although probably could not have lived there in my 20s and early 30s :-)). I don't know who said it, but I really like they saying, a 1,000 mile journey begins with the first step. Take each day as it comes and I know you'll make it to the 1,000 mile. Take care, Shannon Stuver"

Mike Ford
Posted: 2010-10-02 00:29:51
"That's great news about the IVIG response! "

Posted: 2010-10-03 23:58:07
"Great news!! Keep up the positive attitude!!"

James Pavlovich
Posted: 2010-10-04 19:45:09
Santa Barbara
"So happy to hear that you are making progress and the treatments are working. Keep strong."

Alyson V.
Posted: 2010-10-05 23:01:53
Elk Grove, CA
"Alright Neal, knock off the shenanigans... stop being lazy and get out of bed! Taylor & Hailey miss their papa Neal. SO glad to hear you are taking huge strides in the last couple of days. My mom is giddy!"

Posted: 2010-10-06 11:35:22
"So Pismo, you may not remember this but I'm a physical therapist. That means my jokes get even worse. Your 30 days of hell are almost over, and you'll soon begin 60 days of physical therapy (true purgatory!). GBS sucks, most people get it from eating the food at Circus Circus!! You probably had it in the past, and just didn't know it!! Hang in there and buckle up for a bit longer of a ride, cause it's gonna take awhile. Oh, and if your therapist isn't making you tired be sure to call them a wuss!! It works wonders."

Posted: 2010-10-25 15:34:05
Sugar Land, TX
"Neal, So glad to hear of your progress! I bet it feels great to have a date for going home to look forward to! Keep up the PT and get better soon! You are in our thoughts and prayers. -Danette and Todd"

Posted: 2010-10-07 16:35:41
Cal Center for 2 more week...
"Wow Neal - Way to go!! Guess what - I will be retiring from DTSC as of Oct 25 :)! And as if that is not good news enough - I have started to work part time for TechLaw, Inc. under Rich Howard :-) !!! I hope to go full time with TechLaw soon after the new year. I am soooo excited with this new opportunity! Can't wait until you can have visiters so I can tell you all about it! It sure is good news that you are now moving those limbs and talking. That means you will beat the GBS bugger soon! Take care."

Noel Shrum
Posted: 2010-10-07 19:16:01
"Neal I'm glad to hear you are making big improvements. I think about you everyday when I leave my desk for lunch. As I told people about your situation I found that two of my friends have had Guillain Barre Syndrome. I could tell from the look in their eyes that GBS is very difficult. But, they are both proof that recovery takes place. One of them is well past retirement age but the other one travels the world as part of his job. He suggested recently that he and I run a 5k event sometime. Let me know when you can have visitors. Noel"

Robin Veile
Posted: 2010-10-07 22:36:38
yuba city
"Neal, That's terrific news! I am so proud of you and how well your progress has been. Belinda, I am also very proud of you. I know this is difficult for you also. But you both have the strong character and love for each other to over come this!!!"

Michele Foster
Posted: 2010-10-11 11:45:03
"Yeah Neal - Way to go! I am so happy for you, keep up the good work! Love and Hugs to you Michele"

Posted: 2010-10-12 02:43:45
"I am soooooo glad you're out of ICU!!! That is the best news ever! So glad you're improving so fast - totally awesome. Hope you're up to having visitors soon. Thinking about you always!"

Posted: 2010-10-12 23:03:46
"FANTASTIC!! Go Neal go!! In no time you WILL be up and about!!"

Juan Osornio
Posted: 2010-10-13 12:28:31
Cypress, So CA
"Hey Neal.. the Cypress Schools Unit wish you the best in your recovery. Looks like you're making some serious progress, must have been those 30-day review turn-around times that prepared you for handling your business in a quick and efficient manner. Keep fighting the good fight, and we'll be here waiting for your return!"

Ivy Guaño
Posted: 2010-10-13 12:30:47
"Glad to hear that your recovery is going so well! Keep fighting and take care!!"

Posted: 2010-10-13 13:17:40
"Unvelievable work you're doing. I'm deeply impressed. Keep astonishing the doctors."

Tom C.
Posted: 2010-10-13 14:46:46
"Fantastic news, Neal keep up the hard work. I look forward to the day when we hear that your walking in the high country enjoying nature. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Tom"

Posted: 2010-10-13 16:13:06
san Luis Obiso
"Yeah! That things are looking up. Can't wait to visit you"

Posted: 2010-10-17 16:54:22
Los Angeles
"Great news, Neal! Sure is glad to hear you are doing so much better! Keep up the good work."

Posted: 2010-10-18 15:31:14
san luis obispo
"Oh yeah! Can't wait to go for a visit. Belinda, thanks for keeping us updated."

Posted: 2010-10-18 23:03:26
"Wow Neal, I am amazed at your faster than normal recovery! We knew you could do it! My last day here at DTSC is this Thursday 10/21. I hope to visit you soon! BTW, I am happy to report that I will not use all my leave time before leaving DTSC & I have arranged for all remaining to go to your CAT leave. It's only 3-4 days, but figure you can use all the help you can get. Glad I could do it!! I want to see you out looking for turkeys again soon!!"

Ross Waltz (Rossco)
Posted: 2010-10-19 13:27:51
"You're cooking with gas now!! After you get to know your PT, be sure to tell'm you're bored from time to time. It will get you some "special torture" and now that you've shown your ability to kick butt, you'll have a blast with them. Honestly, you rock. Way to go! Keep up the good thoughts and the progress will come with time."

James Pavlovich
Posted: 2010-10-25 14:19:11
Santa Barbara
"Hay Neal, The good news just keeps coming. I know you must be working hard to make such progress. Keep it up! I'm going to try to come up to see you in a couple weeks. It has been too long. "

Marya Bolyanatz
Posted: 2010-10-25 14:59:32
San Luis obispo
"Your are so awesome. Way to go. "

Marya Bolyanatz
Posted: 2010-11-01 12:18:49
San Luis Obispo
"Neal is so awesome! Can't wait to visit. Looks like his sense of humor is intact"

Posted: 2010-11-01 23:40:18
"So glad to see the progress you're making! Sending you LOTS more "get well" vibes! Love, The Coffeys"

Marya Boyanatz
Posted: 2010-11-03 15:52:52
"It was great to talk to you yesterday. You sounded pretty good. Looking forward to seeing you on 26th"

Robin Veile
Posted: 2010-11-03 23:00:15
Yuba City
"Oh Neal and Belinda...Thats wonderful news! I am so happy he got to visit home. I am sure it boosted his spirits-and yours, Belinda! There really is a light at the end of the tunnel! I am very proud of you both!"

Marya Bolyanatz
Posted: 2010-11-04 13:08:31
San Luis Obisop
"So they sprung you loose for a bit; must be time off for good behavior!"

Posted: 2010-11-08 16:32:35
"Wow! It's really great to see that huge smile on your face and to see the photo of you and Belinda. It's almost over ... hang in there. "

Posted: 2010-11-08 18:05:49
"Neal, you look great. Start doing lots and lots of sit to stands. Then sit, and then stand again. They are hard ...but well worth it. You look great. You are making this look easy (it's not!!) You are truly an inspiration to others with similar problems. Keep kick'n butt. Sit to stand, over and over and over. You Rock."

Posted: 2010-11-08 18:17:56
san luis obispo
"you look great!"

Marya Bolyanatz
Posted: 2010-11-10 17:30:07
"Wow that is reat news! Will he continue going to PT"