Monday, October 25, 2010

Feeling the love

Hey everyone, Alyson here (Belinda's daughter). I just looked at the "stats" on Neal's blog and he's had over 4,000 page views so far! Amazing! Just shows how much Neal is loved and that everyone is wanting to keep updated on his recovery.
And thank you to all of those who have emailed me their updates for Neal to read. I have passed them along to my mom & Neal as they've come in.
Also a big thank you for all the kudos on the blog. I'm so happy that it has helped everyone stay informed. My mom and I have joked about the "old days" of no internet, no blog, no email, no cell phones or texting. How in the world would everyone keep updated when someone was in the hospital? Good ol' fashioned snail mail! Yeah... you would have never received this many updates that's for sure! :) Good thing we live in this fabulous world of technology!

1 comment:

  1. I check the blog daily to see Neal's progress. It is amazing how well he is going, and I'm sure he can't wait to get the heck outta there. Hang in there Neal ... just a few more days.
