Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Update: Day 35

Finally, the trach tube has been removed. I’m sure he is very happy to finally have that out of this throat.

Every day he seems to be regaining some strength back in his arms and hands. He is also starting to be able to move his legs. His doctor said he has never seen anyone recover this quickly from a case as severe as his.

He requested some candy… guess he is feeling better. : )



  1. Glad to read the good news! Also glad you set up this site to send updates, very helpful.

    Does he have a TV in there? Or something to keep up on the games (Nevada)?

  2. "His doctor said he has never seen anyone recover this quickly from a case as severe as his."

    Well... his doctor apparently has never met anyone like Neal! :-D

    Great news! Did you give him a Snickers? It really satisfies...

    Ginger & Ron

  3. Halloween is coming up... just push him around the hospital and take him trick-or-treating! LOL!

  4. Great news...so happy he is doing so much better..Yeah I like Alyson's idea..take him early Trick-Or-Treating....
    Mary and Scott
