Sunday, January 29, 2012

from Dot Lofstrom

You missed the circus called "RCRA Training" on the new Tandberg system.  The training itself was terrific, but a true 3-ring circus as we tried to use our new fancy system for the first time.  Turns out the speaker for the Tandberg is on top of the TV, right where the AC blows on it, lending a very annoying buzzing sound that had folks in the regions holding their ears and begging for it to stop.  Of course, one solution was to turn off the AC, but then we would have roasted at Cal Center.  That was just the start, as problem after problem occurred.  It all came to an inglorious stop the first day, late afternoon, when the EPA folks played a movie and there was no reception at all in the regions. They were just sitting there staring at blank screens, hearing nothing.   People were sending me e-mails on my Blackberry and I was running around showing them to Charlie, who raced to the back to find Randi, and...well, you get the picture. 

We finished just fine the next day, because we used the tried and true low-tech version.  We sent the handouts to the regions and set up a conference line, and it worked just fine.  Unbelievable!

Hang tough.


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